In a groundbreaking collaboration, Zepth, a Gurugram-based construction management software provider, has joined forces with Boston Dynamics to introduce cutting-edge technology to construction sites. The partnership sees the deployment of Boston Dynamics’ renowned four-legged autonomous robot, ‘Spot’, which promises to revolutionize project oversight and safety protocols.
Spot, equipped with advanced autonomous navigation and data capture capabilities, is set to streamline operations at construction sites by conducting reconnaissance, generating 3D models, and identifying potential risks. By leveraging Zepth’s analytics, Spot facilitates artificial intelligence-driven decision-making, ensuring comprehensive site surveys and timely hazard detection.
Speaking on the transformative potential of Spot, Prasoon Shrivastava, Founder and CEO of Zepth, emphasized the robot’s ability to enhance efficiency and meet project deadlines effectively. Shrivastava highlighted Spot’s versatility, citing its successful deployment in various sectors worldwide, including public safety, healthcare logistics, and agricultural monitoring.
The introduction of Spot marks a significant milestone in the construction industry, particularly in the UAE, where it is being utilized for the first time. Shrivastava underscored the inevitability of robotics’ increased role in construction, citing studies predicting a substantial automation uptake in the coming years.
However, despite the promising prospects, challenges such as high deployment costs and import duties in countries like India pose obstacles to widespread adoption. Shrivastava expressed optimism that as technology matures and costs decrease, robotics will become more accessible to the construction sector.
In addition to robotics, Zepth harnesses AI-powered risk management tools, developed using OpenAI’s custom GPT offering, to identify and mitigate potential project risks. With a customer base including prestigious entities like the BCCI cricket academy in India and prominent firms in the UAE, Zepth aims to surpass $1 million in annual revenues in the current fiscal year.
Looking ahead, Zepth is actively seeking investment opportunities to expand its operations in the Americas, India, and the Middle East. With over 40,000 downloads of its project manager app and a steadily growing user base, the company is poised for further growth and innovation in the construction management domain.