Sundar Pichai lays out Google’s ambitious 2024 goals amid mass layoffs, countless litigations

Sundar Pichai lays out Google’s ambitious 2024 goals amid mass layoffs, countless litigations

Google CEO Sundar Pichai unveiled a set of ambitious goals for the tech giant in 2024 in a company-wide memo. Pichai emphasized that Google will be making substantial investments in its key priorities, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), extending its impact from consumer to enterprise platforms.

The CEO’s memo highlighted seven key objectives for Google in the coming year:

Deliver the World’s Most Advanced, Safe, and Responsible AI
Google aims to lead in AI development, with a specific focus on safety and responsibility. The company is on the verge of launching Gemini Ultra, with ongoing work on future versions to enhance generative AI features.

Improve Knowledge, Learning, Creativity, and Productivity
Google is committed to advancing knowledge, learning, creativity, and productivity through its platforms and services.

Build the Most Helpful Personal Computing Platforms and Devices
The company seeks to create the most helpful personal computing platforms and devices, with a probable reference to Android and Chrome. A new platform, Android XR, is anticipated to be introduced this year.

Enable Organizations and Developers to Innovate on Google Cloud
Google Cloud is explicitly mentioned, indicating the company’s dedication to enabling innovation for organizations and developers as it competes with industry giants like Amazon and Microsoft.

Provide the World’s Most Trusted Products and Platforms
Google is committed to building products and platforms that are trusted, addressing factors such as product longevity and reliability.

Build a Google That’s Extraordinary for Googlers and the World
The goal is to create an extraordinary working environment for Google employees and contribute positively to the world.

Improve Velocity, Efficiency, and Productivity, and Deliver Durable Cost Savings
Internal goals focus on streamlining operations, simplifying execution, and driving velocity. The company aims for increased efficiency and productivity while achieving sustainable cost savings.

Pichai’s emphasis on AI is evident, with the upcoming Gemini Ultra and a commitment to delivering generative AI features that cater to user preferences. The consumer-centric goals include developing helpful personal computing platforms and devices, potentially referencing Android and Chrome, along with the anticipated introduction of Android XR.

The memo also highlights the importance of Google Cloud in the enterprise space, and the company’s endeavour to build trust through reliable and long-lasting products. The internal goals aim to make Google a leaner and more efficient organisation, facilitating faster product and feature development. The effectiveness of these goals will be closely observed, with hopes for a more streamlined and innovative Google in the year ahead.