Just like Xiaomi, Realme is also hosting its Black Friday sale in India. The one-day sale is now live in India. Buyers will get several discounts and offer on smartphones, earphones, wearables and more. The sale will go live on Flipkart, Amazon and Realme.com. Going by the preview, the newly launched Realme smart cam 360 will be available at a discount of Rs 500, just like Realme Band which will cost you Rs 999 during the sale. Realme Watch will sell at a price of Rs 2,999, down by Rs 1,000.
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Realme X50 Pro will be available at a starting price of Rs 34,999, down by Rs 7,000. Another smartphone getting a huge discount is Realme X3 SuperZoom (Review) which will be available at a starting price of Rs 23,999, down from Rs 27,999. Smartphones including Realme C3, Realme 6 (Review), Realme 6i, Realme Narzo 20 Pro (Review) will sell at a discount of Rs 1,000.
Realme Buds Wireless, Realme Buds Wireless Pro, Realme Buds Classic, Realme 18W 20000mAh powerbank will also be available at discount during this one-day sale.
For the unversed, Realme is currently hosting a Realme Days sale which will end on 28 November.