Just like Google Pay and PhonePe, digital payments on WhatsApp are finally possible for users in India now. This service will be available in 10 regional languages. According to PTI, due to the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) orders, WhatsApp can only roll out this service for 20 million users whereas there are over 400 million WhatsApp users in India. NPCI has also announced that "a cap of 30 percent of the total volume of transactions processed in UPI" will be applicable to all Third-Party App Providers (TPAPs) from 1 January 2021.
Starting today, people across India will be able to send money through WhatsApp 💸 This secure payments experience makes transferring money just as easy as sending a message. pic.twitter.com/bM1hMEB7sb
— WhatsApp Inc. (@WhatsApp) November 6, 2020
Update the WhatsApp app on your phone to see if you are one of those 20 million users who have received this feature already. Here is a quick guidebook on how to set up your WhatsApp payment service. Notably, this service will only be available on smartphones.
[hq]How to make payments on WhatsApp[/hq]
[hans][hstep]Step 1: Open the app and tap on the three dots placed in the top right corner[/hstep]
[hstep]Step 2: Select Payments> Add payment method> Select your bank from the given list[/hstep]
[hstep]Step 3: The app will send an OTP to your number to verify the linked bank account[/hstep]
[hstep]Step 4: To make a payment, you just need to open the chatbox of the contact on WhatsApp, click on the attachment icon and tap on the payment option.[/hstep][/hans]
The received payments on WhatsApp will also reflect as a text message in the chatbox of the concerned contact.